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Remote Project

The objective of this project was to create a remote, using SolidWorks, that is injection moldable. For my project, I decided to design a mouse that would aid in the development of fine motor skills. The primary user groups of my remote were children with low fine-motor capabilities and senior citizens. I chose these groups because many of the computer mice currently on the market are not convenient for individuals who fall within these categories. Commercial mice and their components are much too small. 

As a requirement, the final remote needed to incorporate at least one PCB, an input signal, and an output signal. We began the process by defining an initial project scope. From there we developed low-fidelity prototypes, drafted electrical designs, finalized the physical product, and began testing. The last part of the process was to evaluate the final product in terms of visceral, behavioral, and reflective design. 

The components of my remote consist of three PCBs, two input signals, and two output signals. The inputs for my mouse are buttons with limit switches, the outputs are two red LEDs'. Inside the shell of my mouse, I have three PCB boards attached to the bottom layer. The LEDs are on the front two boards, and the battery is on the middle board. In between the lip and grove of the front portion of my remote, I cut a slot to fit an acrylic sheet to allow the light of the LEDs to shine through. I solid modeled the buttons myself and attached the limit switches to the bottom half of the buttons with screws and nuts. For a more detailed description of the project processes please click this icon:        .

©2021 by Isabel Haut - ENGD Portfolio

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